& Boats

Gurading the Nova Scotia coast, massive granite boulders group in heroic attempts to counter the force of nature – the efforts of anonymous fisher & folk stretching back to an era when backhoes were horses and backs were sore.

In the theme of Born of This Place, Tim Forbes in collaboration with GZArtCo, created SENTINELS – a commissioned collection of organic portraits for installation at the lobbies and suite entrances of MUIR, Nova Scotia’s first 5-star hotel. (designed by architects MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple with interiors by Studio Munge )


Captured in the working fishing village of Blue Rocks a stone’s throw from the studio, the life-line dinghies, dories and row boats are casually moored where they were last needed, some worn out, others hauled up to home wharf for needed patch and paint or flipped on the rocks to dry their wet hulls.

For availability of edition prints, please contact the studio.