Of note: recent commissions
A bold black & white Trunk Show theme created by Forbes reminisces the romance of travel realized in stacks of trunks and boxes – perhaps sent ahead anticipating the arrival of celebrity and fashion.
More than 40 works were installed as part of a refresh of the VIP SuItes and Club Bar of the Ritz-Carlton’s Canadian flagship.
In collaboration with The Design Agency, Elevator Digital
L-Tower LeLoop
Created for the shareholders lounge of Daniel Libeskind Studio’s L-Tower in Toronto, Le Loop is a gestural work fabricated of hand-turned stainless steel. An “en pointe” position of the piece makes reference to the National Ballet of Canada’s former performance stage connected to the complex.
In collaboration with GZArtCo, Astound Group
Massey Tower
The rejuvenation of historic Massey Hall and the 1900s headquarters of CIBC by Hariri Pontarini Architects for MOD Developments, is a 60-storey condominium complex in downtown Toronto where POWER, a bronzed fiberglass sculpture, commands a focal point looking over the city from the 10th floor open terrace.
In collaboration with Art Strategies, Janet Rosenberg Studio